Fuchizaki Yuriko
Sex | female |
Participation in projects
for 2009 year
Eiga Precure All Stars DX: Minna Tomodachi - Kiseki no Zenin Daishuugou!
Voice in Japanese character Муп
for 2008 year
Король динозавров 2
Voice in Japanese character Парапара / Рото
for 2007 year
Dinosaur King
Voice in Japanese character Парапара / Рото
for 2006 year
Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy
Voice in Japanese character Megumi Morisato
Pretty Cure: Splash Star
Voice in Japanese character Митиру Кирю
Futari wa Precure Splash Star Tick Tack Kiki Ippatsu!
Voice in Japanese character Муп
for 2005 year
Ah! My Goddess TV
Voice in Japanese character Megumi Morisato
for 2002 year
Sakura Taisen: Sumire
Voice in Japanese character Ли Коран
for 2001 year
Sakura Wars the Movie
Voice in Japanese character Ли Коран
Spirit of Wonder: Scientific Boys Club
Voice in Japanese character Лили
for 2000 year
Ah! My Goddess: The Movie
Voice in Japanese character Megumi Morisato
Sakura Wars
Voice in Japanese character Ли Коран
Eiga Ojarumaru: Yakusoku no Natsu Ojaru to Semira
Voice in Japanese character Кадзума Тамура
for 1999 year
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena
Voice in Japanese character Анфи Химэмия
Sakura Wars: The Gorgeous Blooming Cherry Blossoms
Voice in Japanese character Ли Коран
for 1998 year
Voice in Japanese character Кадзума Тамура
for 1997 year
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Voice in Japanese character Анфи Химэмия
Sakura Wars OVA
Voice in Japanese character Ли Коран
The Dog of Flanders
Voice in Japanese character Пол
Super Fishing Grander Musashi
Voice in Japanese character Розмари
Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go!! WGP Bousou Mini Yonku Daitsuiseki
Voice in Japanese character Рэцу Сэйба
for 1996 year
Rurouni Kenshin
Voice in Japanese character Саносукэ Сагара в детстве
for 1994 year
Sailor Moon S
Voice in Japanese character Сайприн
Asobou! Hello Kitty
Voice in Japanese character Джимми
for 1993 year
Oh My Goddess!
Voice in Japanese character Megumi Morisato
Ghost Sweeper Mikami
Voice in Japanese character Тихо
Tale of Young Grass : Nan and Miss Jo
Voice in Japanese character Роб
for 1992 year
Sailor Moon
Voice in Japanese character Юмэми Юмэно / Бина
Spirit of Wonder: Miss China`s Ring
Voice in Japanese character Лили
for 1991 year
Доходный дом Иккоку: Кораблекрушение у необитаемого острова
Voice in Japanese character Ибуки Ягами
for 1990 year
Сол Бьянка
Voice in Japanese character Джун Эшль
for 1989 year
Мегазона 23 3
Voice in Japanese character Мики
Mahou Tsukai Sally 2
Voice in Japanese character Аяко
for 1988 year
Voice in Japanese character Кимико Хигути
for 1987 year
Space Fantasia 2001 Yoru Monogatari
Voice in Japanese character Крис
Voice in Japanese character Норико (Нон-тян) Сакурай
for 1986 year
Доходный дом Иккоку
Voice in Japanese character Ibuki Yagami
for 1984 year
Panzer World Galient
Voice in Japanese character Тюруру
Mahou no Yousei Persia
Voice in Japanese character Кисин Синокава