Tamagawa Sakiko


Sex female

Participation in projects

for 2014 year

Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon

Voice in Japanese character Jasmine
for 2012 year

009 Re:Cyborg

Voice in Japanese character Ivan
for 2011 year
for 2010 year

Eden of the East: Paradise Lost

Voice in Japanese character Джуиз
for 2009 year
for 2007 year
for 2006 year
for 2005 year
for 2004 year
for 2003 year

.hack//Legend of the Twilight

Voice in Japanese character Камуи
for 2002 year
for 2001 year

ZOIDS: New Century

Voice in Japanese character Пирс

Tetsuwan Atom: Chikyuu Saigo no Nichi

Voice in Japanese character Бэм
for 2000 year

Fighting Spirit

Voice in Japanese character Айко Датэ
for 1999 year
for 1998 year

Едок 98

Voice in Japanese character Эйми

El Hazard: The Alternative World

Voice in Japanese character Гильда


Voice in Japanese character Стефания
for 1997 year
for 1996 year

Blue Seed Beyond

Voice in Japanese character Сакура Ямадзаки

Legend of Crystania

Voice in Japanese character Шер

Sorcerer Hunters OVA

Voice in Japanese character Дотта

Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko I

Voice in Japanese character Руж
for 1995 year
for 1994 year
for 1992 year


Voice in Japanese character Мать Кадзамы-куна

Фея цветов Мэри Белл

Voice in Japanese character Реми
for 1991 year

Akai Hayate

Voice in Japanese character Сиори
for 1990 year

Record of Lodoss War

Voice in Japanese character Пиротесс


Voice in Japanese character Алиса

Violence Jack: Hell`s Wind

Voice in Japanese character Кэйко
for 1988 year

Armor Hunter Mellowlink

Voice in Japanese character Люлси
for 1985 year

Area 88 OVA

Voice in Japanese character Рёко Цугумо